Sibelius music software
Sibelius music software


Microtonal Font - Andrian Pertout has created two versions of this freeware font, with the first, 'MicrotonalFont' ( TT, PS) originally intended for use in Finale,but which Sibelius users may find useful as well, and the second,'Microtonal FontText',( TT, PS) intended for use in any standard wordprocessor.Included are the five standard accidental signs of Western music four common quarter-tone and three-quarter-tone symbols twenty-three unique symbols based on Daniélou’s division of the whole-tone Ali Naqi Vaziri’s notation system, or four accidentals of Persian music Johnston’s system of notation, which contains twenty-three unique symbols for the notation of just intonation up to the thirty-first harmonic as well as Fokker’s nine symbols for the notation of thirty-one equal temperament.Clefs, Harp Pedals, Saxophone Fingerings, Recorder Fingerings, and more. Matthew Hindson has created some very useful and unique music fonts for both Mac and PC.Most of the major type libraries are supported, including Adobe, Berthold, Bitstream, FontFont, and P22. Identifont - this unique online service allows you to match an existing typeface, or identify a typeface you have seen in a publication.

sibelius music software

Anixter Rice Music Service - Suite 1410-D, 6309th Avenue New York, NY 10036 For Macintosh and Windows operating systems through XP. ), Piano Fingering (Stacked Numbers and round brackets, silent changes, square brackets for special thumb situations.) and more. Figured Bass (Standard and struck-through numbers, accidentals, brackets.


The fonts offer professional design and extremely quick entries.


  • FinalFontSolutions by Ansgar Krause - Font solutions for music notation software (used by Breitkopf & Härtel and other publishers).
  • ExpressMusic is no longer supporting their three excellent music fonts with a distinctive hand copied look Ashmusic, Leemusic and Russmusic.
  • Willard, Pacific NW Sacred Harp Singers, 15215 Tubbs Road, Buckley, WA 98321 Ph: 36. Aiken's system is the seven-shape system used by almost all of the modern songbooks using a shape note system.
  • Doremi is a shapenote font that has the shapes for the systems used by Aiken, Funk, Walker, The New Harp of Columbia, and The Sacred Harp.
  • sibelius music software

  • DaFont - thousands of freeware and shareware fonts available for download.
  • Be sure to read the ReadMe file that is included in each download, for installation instructions. The fonts in all the downloads are in the TrueType format.
  • Boulez font - is a freeware music font (suitable for use in Sibelius) provided by Phillip Gaskill that has short square beams instead of the usual curly flags on individual notes of less than a quarter note(crotchet) value.The following downloads are available: Windows.
  • Choose from Virtuoso, Charleston, Grupetto, Staccato, Vivace, Espressivo, Koechlin, Fingering, Ars Nova, Flamenco, Oratorio and Timpani. These fonts cover a variety of notational symbols from common to the more esoteric.


  • Bayard-Nizet has developed a set of 12 new music fonts for Mac and PC (both Postscript and True-type versions are available).
  • Finale Fonts - download MakeMusic!'s Notepad program which contains all the standard FInale fonts,and use these fonts in Sibelius!.

  • Sibelius music software